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wtf party poker

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  • wtf party poker

    party poker
    Dear thx_man,
    Our records show that that you have not logged in to your account for 180 days.
    A $7.14 administration fee** has been charged to your inactive account. The next charge will be deducted from you account balance on: 25-Sep-2009 ET.
    However, this fee will NOT be charged if your account, or any related account, is reactivated on or before 24-Sep-2009 ET.
    Reactivating your account is easy: Just log in and place a cash wager, enter a tournament with a cash entry fee, or play a raked hand.

  • #2
    hahaha ma tt na partyu so res fukjen


    • #3
      lol? 1 april?
      EX-PokerStars Team Pro Online | | | | |


      • #4
        Nč ni prvi april men so isto zaklenil sam niso mogli nč uzet k nism mel nč gor . Vrjetn če bi depozitov bi mi odtrgal. Sam na temu glupmu przadetmu sajtu k krade me itak ne vidjo več.


        • #5
          A niso včasih nakazovali denarja , če nekaj časa nisi igral :P?
          u tell me exactly what u need and i will explain you very carefully why it cannot be done


          • #6
            1wayman wrote: A niso včasih nakazovali denarja , če nekaj časa nisi igral :P?
            HAh, a ni nekdo iz teh njihovih 10$ naredil 1000$


            • #7
              No, da ne boste le Partya obsojali- ovce se pasemo povsod, tudi po oceanih :P
              Original Message Follows:
              Customer - 25/08/2009 10.01 PM
              After almost three years I wanted to start playing on my account again.
              But it seems like all my money disappeared. It should have been cca.
              55-60$ left. But neither here, nor on moneybookers this sum is
              avaliable. Even worse: my budget seems to be 0.00 $. How is this
              Could you please give me an explanation what the cause of this issue
              could be & deposit and game HISTORY & cash-out history, in case anybody
              managed to break into my account? I was active since october 2006.
              Thank you in advance,
              In danes, po 2 dneh ta odgovor:
              Dear ***
              Thank you for taking the time to get in contact with us here at 888.
              Unfortunately, ***, it seems as though your account has had the
              'dormant account fee' applied to it. This fee is applied if you do not
              log-in to your account for over six months. The fee is a 10% charge on
              the total bankroll (as from when it becomes inactive) and is taken on
              the first day of every month.
              The fee will cease to be charged from when
              you log-in, but we are under no obligation to refund any money lost.
              This policy is cleary stated in the terms and conditions for Pacific
              Poker so you will have had the chance to read it when you signed up with

              I am sorry for all the inconvenience, but I hope you can understand. If
              there is anything you would like to enquire about regarding this or
              anything else then please do not hesitate to get back in touch. We are
              always happy to hear from you.
              Finally, I am not sure if you aware but we have recently just introduced
              the new poker loyalty scheme on to Pacific Poker. You will now be
              rewarded extra for the more you play on our tables. Full details can be
              found on the Pacific Poker website. Why not take a look when you have
              the chance.
              Kind regards,
              Robert Hill
              Member Support Representative


              • #8
                Pusti prasce na pcificu.. jaz sem si keš gor deposital, in jim 14dni nazaj!!!! pisal na support, da sem si naredo gor depozit z MB a v cashierju opcije za cashout na MB ne vidim.... Po 3 dneh dobim nek odgovor, da so moj problem posredovali naprej.. mislim wtf saj sem vam že pisal na cashier pomoč, kam bi zdaj to dali naprej. No in danes je verjetno 10dni od takrat in jaz ne morem cashoutat. Pfuj prasci, kr nekaj no. Pa že prej sem mel probleme, ko sem si nakazoval keš gor. Na MB mi piše da sem si ga uspešno nakazal a keša ni blo na poker sajtu, jimpišem na support niso vedli nič, in mi niso želeli nič uporabnega povedat, po enem tednu nonstop gnavjenja mi končno uspe ena na supportu povedat, da jim moram predložit dokazilo iz MBja, da je bil denar nakazan.. Mislim WTF a prvih 5 dni je blo pa to tak težko povedat? Živ obup skratka
                u tell me exactly what u need and i will explain you very carefully why it cannot be done


                • #9
                  Torej sem itak že odgovor 'hitro' prejela (četudi trdijo, da v 24h odgovorijo)
                  Se mi pa zdi ta odstotek ogromen, glede na to, da nimajo (po moje?) obveznosti z neaktivnimi igralci. Preračunala sem, da ne glede na vsoto- se ti na njihovem acc naložena vrednost po preteku 6,58 meseca (dodatno k prvim 6 neaktivnim mesecem), razpolovi. To pomeni, da imaš po enem letu le še polovico denarja gor. Po dobrih dveh letih pa le še 10%.
                  Ni mi pa jasno, ker bi po 49 mesecih, torej približno 4 letih še vedno moralo biti gor 1% denarja. V mojem primeru pa po recimo treh letih ( ampak je ziher manj) 'celo' kakšna 2%, torej približno 1$. To pomeni, da so:
                  a) nabili še kako dodatno provizijo
                  b) lažejo
                  Bom mogoče še malo mailala, če v 'terms of use' nič ne najdem
                  Morala te basni : ne oklevaj, igraj poker :P


                  • #10
                    Dobra morala
                    u tell me exactly what u need and i will explain you very carefully why it cannot be done


                    • #11
                      No, našla vse potrebne informacije. Zadeva je še večje dimenzionirana, kot najhujši hipotekarni krediti
                      Ta odstotek je FIKSEN! To pomeni, da po preteku 6 mesecev neaktivnosti tvoj denar IZGINE v naslednjih 10 mesecih (vsak mesec ti odbijejo 10% prvotne vsote, in ne 10% novega stanja...). Primer, kjer je človek izgubil čez 3 000$ :
                      Denar je po določenem času dobil celo povrnjen (kljub prvotnemu upiranju s strani Pacifica), pri čemer mu je pomagal forum in pa grožnja, da bo igralsko skupnost motiviral k bojkotu strani.
                      Več je strani, ki to počne. Najhuje pri tem ni ta člen, temveč dejstvo, da te niti ne opozorijo. Nikoli. Kot je nekdo dejal: pošiljajo ti vabila za igre in promocije, nikoli pa ne obvestila, da se bliža ali pa se je pričel proces praznjenja neaktivnega računa.
                      Kje se skriva ta člen? Na neverjetno očitnem 7. mestu:


                      • #12
                        Mene pa zanima katere poker strani poleg teh dveh(party, pacific) takole zacnejo jemat kes? Dobr bi blo met listo da se slucajno ne zajebemo.
                        F.Preseren.: Pij, jej in kavsaj za vecnost se ne ravsaj!


                        • #13
                          Party očitno vsaj javi...
                          Že na prvi strani forumskega threada iz twoplustwo (glej prejšnji post), je omenjeno da deluje pod okriljem 888 in (dejansko) na enak način povečuje svoj investicijski kapital:
                          8. Your Account
                          * Should you fail to use your account for six months your account will be considered a "dormant account". The six-month period will run from the date of your last login to your account. In the case of a dormant account, the Company will levy a monthly administration fee at a rate of 10% of the balance in the account on the date that it became dormant. The administration fee shall be deducted from the dormant account commencing from the last day of the sixth month in which the account is inactive and on the last day of every month thereafter, until the balance of the account has reached zero. In the event that you login to your account during the ten-month period during which the administration fee is levied, the Company will cease to levy the administration fee but shall not be obligated to return to you any monies already deducted from the account at such time.
                          Ista oseba, ki je opozorila na to, je omenila tudi 'gemblerski sindikat'
                          Ko utegnem, bom malo pregledala 'terms of use' tudi ostalih hiš.


                          • #14
                            TERMS & CONDITIONS If you do not access your Account by "logging on" to your Account using your Account name and password for any period of 180 days, then after those 180 days (the "180 day grace period") your Account (and any related account with any ESP) will be deemed "Inactive". If your Account becomes Inactive, then the Company is entitled to charge you an administrative fee (the "Inactive Account Fee"). The Inactive Account Fee shall be deducted from your Account Balance at the end of each calendar month in accordance with the Inactive Account Fee Schedule. We will stop deducting the Inactive Account Fee from your Account Balance if your Account is re-activated.


                            • #15
                              ker imam neteller mi je kolega na party pokru poslav preko player transfer nekaj €, da mu jaz to dvignem. Ko sem si nakazal ta znesek in še malo mojega na Neteller sem dobil mail od party pokra, da ta denar ki je bil poslan preko player transfer ni dovoljeno dvigovat, in je namenjeno drugemu igralcu da lahko igra na njihovi strani za denar. Sedaj so mi pa ta znesek ki sem ga hotel nakazat na Neteller začasno zamrznili.
                              ALi mi lahko prosim kdo kako pomaga, ker vem da se lahko zgodi da tega denarja nebom več videl.

