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  • Pol pravš, da ni panike? Sam čudn ker tam jim piše da maksimalno 72 ur rabjo za nočjo mi čist nč odpisat :/ Upam da mi ni treba zganjat panike


    • jst sm dobil iz nordice dnar po dveh al treh dneh učeri. Pa tud na mail so mi odgovoril po parih dneh tko, da ni frke


      • Lomi79 wrote: jst sm dobil iz nordice dnar po dveh al treh dneh učeri. Pa tud na mail so mi odgovoril po parih dneh tko, da ni frke
        Ok ql..


        • CoreySteel, zakaj ne bo race-a na Nordici ?
          a se Nordica zaveda da je 80% njihovega prometa narejenega s strani slovencev in hrvaških grinderjev, in da takšna sprememba po vsem tem času in overall poker situaciji ne pomeni nič dobrega, in da jim bo promet padu za veliko več kot oni subvencionirajo pokerpro race-e?


          • novapravila networka...


            • Komentar Greenstaina na Iveyjevo izjavo
              "Some of the things people are accusing him of doing something that is self-serving, with the lawsuit and these other things. Ive got friends on both sides of this argument. Obviously what he did isn't helping out the company Full Tilt at the moment. The question is, is it just self-serving and helping Phil out. There's more stuff behind the scenes that Phil is upset about, that isn't coming to light. Phil is obviously a real close friend of mine. I heard his argument, he screamed it at me over the phone and I never got a word in edgewise. He's unhappy with the developments, he feels that management could have done a better job and I've talked to people on the other side of the argument feeling Phil doesn't understand what they've tried to do. And some of the offers they've rejected to resolve the problems, that would have been no good for the company. So there are two sides to this argument, I don't know if it's ever going to go to court. As some people realize, Phil wants to get out of his deal for reasons that...he's an adult, he can speak for himself. He may not express all his reasoning here, I'm sure alot of it will come out, a lot of it has been speculated about already, you can read it in the forums and other places, some of the people do have a pretty good feel for what's going on here with the lawsuit and with Phil."
              "His decision, independent of that post that he made and his lawsuit, it's a separate decision not to play at the WSOP. And that decision is not one that I think can not easily be attacked, and say he's just looking out for himself. Phil wants to play at the WSOP, he looks forward to it. He wants to break all the records, he's a very competitive person. He did feel...and I told him when this whole thing hit...that people are going to be coming up to you at the WSOP and it's not going to be the "I love Phil" anymore. It's going to be the "where is my money". And he at first was oblivious, he said are you kidding me, people are going to get in my face? Let's see them do that kind of thing. But then over the weeks he realized that other people said hey, this is about to happen to you, and people aren't too happy with you as a representative of the company anymore. He took it very personally. And so I think that part of it is very heart-felt. He said "I can't look at people with good conscience who are saying I can't play because my money is locked up and you can". I don't see that part of his statement as anything but integrity. And, who wants to knock him for the rest of it, and for the harm he may have done to Full Tilt, that's a separate issue."


              • Cereus network


                • Kako je zdaj stanje z Local Bank transferji pa z Neteller-jem? A izplačujejo redno al je še kr 2mesca waiting lista?


                  • Jaz cakam ene 14 dni na Neteller.


                    • js tut, od 3.6. se pravi malo manj kot 14 dni


                      • Kaj pa na Moneybookers? Se da withdrawat al ne? Nekje berem na forumih da ja, nekje da ne... Ko kliknem select mi napiše
                        We cannot process this your transaction at this time. Please try again later.
                        Kdaj je ta later?
                        (dnar pa lahk naložiš u biljoninki sekunde... Kere seronje).
                        EDIT: Nvm, so mi odpisali da se ne da preko moneybookersov... Weak
                        "You do not know what Anubis is capable of!"<br />[br]"You ended that sentence with a preposition! Bastard."


                        • NE da se že od 16.4, kdaj se bo pa po moje noben nima pojma. Neteller deluje, sam sem čakal cca. 8 dni.
                          Moneybookers pa deluje le v nekaterih državah, vem da deluje v Angliji. PRava diskriminacija tole :/


                          • No, sam da povem da sm dubu dnar na viso od kolega v manj kot 48 urah, čeprav je vikend. Brez problemov, razn tega da se pač ni dal na moneybookers... Očitno je prihodnost tut na ftpju igrat
                            "You do not know what Anubis is capable of!"<br />[br]"You ended that sentence with a preposition! Bastard."


                            • LBT s FT prispel danes na TRR. trajal okol 18 dni..... zivljenje je lepse hehehe
                              2. nakazilo od BF


                              • Anubis88 wrote: No, sam da povem da sm dubu dnar na viso od kolega v manj kot 48 urah, čeprav je vikend. Brez problemov, razn tega da se pač ni dal na moneybookers... Očitno je prihodnost tut na ftpju igrat
                                +1 na Viso
                                Jz sm pa iberžnik!

