Alex Komaromi prvi Urugvajec z WSOP zapestnico 15 Oct

Alex Komaromi je postal prvi igralec iz Urugvaja z zmago na World Series of Poker eventu - to mu je uspelo na WSOP Europe v Berlinu, kjer je bil najboljši na 8-Game Mixed eventu #5 (€2,200€ buy-in).

Komaromi, ki je že okusil slast zmage na Latin American Poker Tour (LAPT), si je s svojo igro prislužil €65,740 denarne nagrade, prestižno zapestnico ter zapis v zgodovino.

Na 6-max finalni mizi se je trlo izvrstnih igralcev. Na šestem mestu se je poslovil prav chipleader, mixed-game specialist, Jens Lakemeire. Sledila sta mu legendarni Shaun Deeb in 2010 WSOP Me zmagovalec Jonathan Duhamel.

Tretji je končal Noah Bronstein, ki se je s svojim top parom zaletel v Alexov set dvojk, na drugem mestu pa Scott Clements, prav tako drugi na lanskoletnem $5,000 8-Game Mixed eventu na World Series of Poker Asia-Pacific iz Melbourna.

"It was a very tough field with a lot of very good players who were more experienced than me, but I was lucky enough to win," je dejal Komaromi. "I think I ran pretty good in the right moments, when there were eight to ten players left they were all elite players. It was hard to take advantage of most of the spots. But I tried my best and I think I did good and I ran good. It really means a lot. It's like a dream to me. I started watching poker on TV and the World Series, it seemed so far away. Now that I have achieved it, it's great. I am very happy."

Serija bo vrhunec doživela z €10,450 Main eventom, ki se prične v nedeljo, zanimiv pa bo tudi €25,600 High Roller, ki je na sporedu v sredo popoldne.