Full Tilt Poker omrežje se poslavlja 17 May

Pravkar poteka nadgradnja Full Tilt Poker klienta, s katero bo Amaya igralce s FTP preselila Pokerstars omrežje.      Igralci bodo na svoj obstoječi ali novi Pokerstars račun prenesli svoje denarno stanje, VIP status in Loyalty točke ter protivrednost morebitnih ring-game ticketov in bonusov, ki bodo pretvorjeni in izplačani v dolarjih.

Uradna izjava za javnost:
"Full Tilt players will be emailed direct and personal information on how this will affect them specifically, which depends on a variety of factors including their jurisdiction and the status of their PokerStars account. In many cases, Full Tilt players who already hold a PokerStars account will not need to update any information or transfer their account assets which will be transferred automatically to their PokerStars account and they can simply log in to their PokerStars account and enjoy all the great benefits on offer, including even more game choices and bigger tournaments."

Trenutno PokerStars obvladuje približno 68% globalnega trga spletnega pokra, medtem ko je delež Full Tilta samo 2%. Amaya kot razlog za združitev navaja, da se bodo lažje osredotočali na razvoj in vzdrževanje ene same platforme ter "to innovate more quickly and enter newly-regulating and existing markets swiftly."

Dobrih pet let po aprilski akciji Department of Justice naj bi glede na objavo Garden City Group Inc. približno 94% vseh igralcev, ki so zaprosili za vračilo denarja s FTP, prejelo svoje izplačilo. Skupno je bilo izplačanih čez 100 milijonov dolarjev, DOJ pa je zavrnil približno 1500 vloženih prošenj.